Paid members of the Del Norte Senior Center receive a $10 discount on a one-year membership in Cal-Ore Life Flight and its associated services. Click the logo for more information.
As a non-profit, QuestionPro provides us with free survey tools to gather, analyze and take action with transformative data to support our mission. Apart from the free survey software, we also have access to QuestionPro's free survey templates . We've found many of them useful and powerful to collect insights from various stakeholders of our organization.
Del Norte Mission Possible provides shelter and supportive services for people who are without homes. It is a safe environment where men, women, and families with children can receive guidance and support services to improve their lives.
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." – Ryunosuke Satoro
Housed in the Wild Rivers Community Foundation and funded by The California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative, the Del Norte Non-Profit Alliance is a membership-based professional association serving and advocating for the nonprofit sector in Del Norte County.
Located just steps from the Senior Center are the beautiful Redwood Cove Senior Apartments. Managed by the Senior Center through a partnership with the local, private-non-profit facility owner, Redwood Cove is a 39-unit, HUD-subsidized senior apartment complex for low-income residents.
Housed in the Family Resource Center of the Redwoods and funded by The California Endowment Building Healthy Communities Initiative, the DNATL Community Food Council membership works together to build a local food system that provides access to healthy, culturally appropriate food to all families in Del Norte and Tribal Lands (DNATL)
The Area 1 Agency on Aging (A1AA) plans, coordinates, and funds a range of senior services in Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. The Senior Center houses its Del Norte County Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP) office.